…and it ends TWICE
a double performance with two choreographies, one by award winning Tina Tarpgaard and one by debutant Nelson Rodriguez-Smith.
"As the light turned off for the last time i wished for it to not be over yet"
Mie Scott Georgsen, Terpsichorerecoil performance group presents…and it ends TWICE – a double performance with two choreographies, one by reward winning Tina Tarpgaard and one by debutant Nelson Rodriguez-Smith.
Tina Tarpgaard presents the performance TØRST. The title it self provokes an almost physical sensation – a bodily urge fueled by an essential need.
TØRST is a powerful duet for two male dancers, a duet on human drive and survival. About bodies in a place where strategic thinking has ceased and instinct has taken over with raging forces of survival. TØRST merge choreography and sophisticated interactive video scenography into the unique visual universe which has made recoil known both in Denmark and abroad. In TØRST the dancers feet are on burning hot, animated, desert sand!
As part of the same evening recoil proudly present MENTE – a performance created by the Danish/Colombian dancer and choreographer Nelson Rodriguez-Smith. Nelson has impressed audiences and reviewers for years as an excellent dancer on the international scene.
His performance MENTE enters the world of manipulated reality and sub consciousness. A dreamlike state where reality is blurred and real becomes surreal. MENTE examines today’s codependency on technology specifically that on mobile phones. When reality gets too much and we try to escape – into the fantasy world created by technology…
Sponsored by Danish Art Council, Wilhelm Hansen Foundation, Bikubenfoundation, Knud Højgaards Foundation, Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond and Københavns Kommunes Scenekunstudvalg.
Søren Meisner