LIVING ROOM is a room in motion, evoked not just by the dancers but also by an almost organically living video scenography. The floor starts to move, the floor disappears – the space begins to breathe….
“An emotional Knock Out of rare magic” ♥♥♥♥♥
Monna Dithmer, PolitikenLIVING ROOM is a performance about hierarchies. Open source, 2.0 and other non-hierarchical structures are buzzwords in the 21st century – and yet, we all subject ourselves to a long line of ancient hierarchies. The world’s oldest is that between man and shadow – a hierarchy of nature that it is impossible to disobey… Or is it?
Confronting the human body and a motion sensitive scenography, LIVING ROOM put a physical expression on what it means to take control or subject, and questions who is the puppet and who is the puppeteer – who controls whom?
Recoil has worked dedicated with how dance integrated with motion sensitive technology can generate a very special performative language – a work that requires not only the dancers to be choreographed but also the surrounding video graphics. This close relationship between body and space and how they mutually control or influence each other is a fascination recoil has pursued from many different perspectives. In LIVING ROOM it is about the powerful and the powerless. A visual story about breaking free from pre-destined roles and respectively give and take space.
Best Dance Performance of the Year 2012 at the Danish Performing Arts Award (Reumert Awards)
“…captivating and exhilarating..” ✶✶✶✶✶✶ Madeleine Saunte, Kultunaut
“It is an incredibly successfull interactive performance” ✶✶✶✶✶ Vibeke Wern, Berlingske
“Beyond the edge of physical and dance technical skill…. beyond all expectation. It is tremendous”
Majbrit Hjelmsbo, Weekendavisen
“Tina Tarpgaards performance LIVING ROOM subjects the audience to marvelous imaginative dance in the wake of apocalyps”
Anne Middelboe Christensen, Information
Dancers: Nelson Schmidt, Siri Wolthorn, Rumiko Otsuka, Jonas Örkner
Choreographer: Tina Tarpgaard
Video and software art: Ole Kristensen og Jonas Jongejan
Composer: Pelle Skovmand
Light design: Frederik Heitman
Costume Design: Inbal Lieblich
Technician: Jonas Corneliussen
PR Graphics: Søren Meisner
PR: Janne Schnipper
Production Mannager: Liv Villadsen
Producer: Signe Allerup
Livingroom is produced within the Modul Dance program, supported by the Culture Program of the Europan Union .
We are very grate full for the support by the Danish Arts Council, Wilhelm Hansen Foundation, Knud Højgaards Fond, Augustinus Fonden, Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfind af 1968 and the arts council of the municipality of Copenhagen.
Premier date: March 12th 2012, Dansehallerne, Pasteursvej 20, 1799 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Touring history and tech rider
The production on tour consists of in all 8 persons; 4 dancers, 1 artistic director, 1 technical director and 2 technician.
Stage dimentions:
Performance area: 10 x 12 x 6m (Width x Depth x Height)
Minimum stage dimensions: 14 x 12 x 6 m. (W x D x H)
General note for the stage and technical setup:
The audience seating at the venue should preferably have a steep slope to meet the audience ability to see the video projection and dancers on the stage floor.
Please contact recoil for a detailed Technical rider:
Søren Meisner