An agitated room and a display of bodies in alliance and the power of collective movement

"a strong work" "It is impressive how the choreographer TIna Tarpgaard can continue to explore new areas of dance, and always does it with very great commitment"
5 stars Berlingske TidendeTUMULT deals with what happens when bodies engage in an interdependant act of negotiating and balancing weight, strength and the ongoing construction in the performance space. As the audience you’re on stage – seated inside to the scenography so close to the dancers, that you feel their movements and a room in turmoil vibrate in your own body.
Tina Tarpgaard is one of the most consistent and radical choreographers in the Danish dance environment. She insists that dancing is a kinesthetic experience – that is our sensory experience of movement. Even if the starting point for her performances often are very specific. For TUMULT it was Tina Tarpgaards experience of demonstrations during the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street, which she witnessed. The texts by Judith Butler around the same events, became a great inspiration for the thought and creation process behind TUMULT:
No one body establishes the space of appearance, but this action, this performative exercise happens only “between” bodies, in a space that constitutes the gap between my own body and another’s. In this way, my body does not act alone, when it acts politically. Indeed, the action emerged from the “between.”
(…) the alliance is not reducible to individuals, and it is not individuals who act. The second is that action in alliance happens precisely between those who participate, and this is not an ideal or empty space – it is the space of support itself – of durable and liveable material environments and of interdependency among living beings.
Judith Butler: Bodies in Alliance and the Politics of the Street, 2011TUMULT is driven by the kinaesthetic energy in the dancers’ movements. They create space when they attach a several meter long stretch fabric to themselves, each other and to a simple metal construction which both dancers and audience are seated in. The movement is not limited to the dancers, but spreads to the entire room and into the audience’s bodies when the dancers put their forces in. As in demonstrations, the focus of the performance is not on the individual body, but on the collective motion – of what occurs in the collective of moving together.
In TUMULT movements can thus be seen and felt, but they can also be heard. Mathias Friis-Hansen has created a soundtrack in which the specific sound of the carabiners, as the dancers fix them to the metal construction, is amplified to generate resonance in the rhythmic universe of the composition.
Dancers: Siri Wolthoorn, Demian Haller, Jonas Örknér, Asher Lev
Choreographer: Tina Tarpgaard
Composer: Mathias Friis-Hansen
Set Designer: Johan Kølkjær
Lighting Designer: Andreas Buhl
Costume Designer: Inbal Lieblich
Visual Artist: Johan Bichel Lindegaard
recoil performance group was awarded the Reumert Award for Dance Performance of the year in 2012 and 2010 with respectively LIVING ROOM and FROST. In 2014, ON/VOLT was nominated in the same category.
TUMULT is kindly supported by Statens Kunstråd, Statens Kunstfonds Legatudvalg for Musik, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden, Bikubenfonden, Augustinus Fonden, Knud Højgaards Fond, Koda-Dramatik og Københavns Scenekunstudvalg.
The performance premiered April 11th -14th 2015 in Dansehallerne, Copenhagen
Duration: 50 min.
Maximum audience capacity per performance: 60
Can be installed in non theatre spaces (f.ex. an art gallary, industiral hall)