September 2021
Our performance installation MASS – BLOOM EXPLORATIONS is part of the program at Horsens Teaterfestival for schools on October 14th, contact Horsens Testerfestival for more info HERE.
MASS – BLOOM EXPLORATIONS is open for regular audiences at Horsens Teaterfestival on October 16th. More info HERE.
August 2021
We are back from the summer and are starting the season with our newest performance HØST (HARVEST) which you can experience at Theatre Momentum in Odense (DK) august 7-8. More info HERE.
We are looking for dancers and trampoline artists for our next performance Act of Gravity. Sign up for the audition before August 22nd. More info HERE.
May – June 2021
Finally, the theatres are allowed to open their doors to an audience. This means that we are able to present the premiere of HØST (HARVEST) in both Jutland and Copenhagen, Denmark.
The performance will premiere in the western part of Jutland in Ulfborg at Vedersø Kulturcenter May 18th-19th and continuing in Holstebro on the 21st in collaboration with LandsbyLaboratoriet and Odinteatret.
HØST will also have a premiere in Copenhagen May 26th in the former Sjælør Church and will perform during the CPH Stage Festival until June 5th. Get your tickets HERE.
In connection with the performance, we will have 2 extra events. An introduction to the piece on June 2nd and an artist talk with Tina Tarpgaard and Ida Marie Hede on the 5th.
March – April 2021
We are continuing our work on our new performance HØST (HARVEST), which will have its world premiere in the Village of Vedersø and later on be presented at Holstebro and Copenhagen during the festival CPH Stage in May. The dancers are working in the studio with our choreographer Tina Tarpgaard and composer Lars Greve – both working on movements. Our choreographer on the movements of the dancers, and our composer on the movement of the stage, which will be turned into a vibrating loud speaker.
Get your tickets for CPH Stage HERE. For more info on tickets in Holstebro and Vedersø click HERE.
We are also working on presenting our installation as I collapse during the Sismograf Festival in Olot, Spain in April. We are looking forward to presenting this piece once again, which can function both as an online and a physical performance, uniting people from different locations, and making a format that can be performed safely during eg. an epidemic and still maintaining a sense of presence and community.
Read more about the festival and the performance HERE.
January 2021
We are happy to announce that we now have the support of a new collaborator, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, to create a new and large-scale performance.
The piece is about the effects of gravity and is being created together with various scientists who are researching the subject as well as previous artistic collaborators. Read the full press release from the Novo Nordisk Foundation HERE
Stay tuned to our website for more info on the performance.
We have also started rehearsals for our new project HØST (HARVEST) on our relationships with soil and farming with dancers Hilde I. Sandvold and Jossette Reilly. You can read more about the performance HERE, which will premiere in May in Jutland and later in Copenhagen during the CPH Stage Festival from 25 May – 5 June
Get your tickets HERE
In spite of the lockdown in Denmark, we are still performing our online piece as I collapse in an online live installation during the now-digital festival: Det Frie Felt.
We have also added extra performances on 23 January and will perform at 12:00, 20:00, 21:00 and 22:00, Danish time.
The performance as I collapse, an online live installation, delves into the way all livings beings are connected through the life-giving element of water. During the performance, you will connect to other people watching the performance from different countries as well as to an extraordinary tiny creature: the luminescent algae Pyrocystis Fusiformis that lives in water and oceans and is able to light up the sea when it is stirred. You will also receive your own colony of algae when you experience the piece.
Read MORE about the performance and BUY your tickets HERE.
September – October 2020
We have returned from the summer and are preparing for our new performance HØST (HARVEST), which will premiere in the spring of 2021 as well as our performance EXTENDED FALLS TO HUMANITY, which will be presented this fall at the City Hall of the municipality of Egedal (DK).
In connection with EXTENDED FALLS TO HUMANITY, we have initiated a number of workshops at the public school Balsmoseskolen, where we are working on creating films together with the students about the hopes, fears and thoughts about the future and the year 2050.
Before the summer holidays, we moved to Sydhavnen and in connection with the move, we will present our installation MASS – BLOOM EXPLORATIONS in the old church at Wagnersvej.
In the installation you will encounter one human and thousands of mealworms coexisting side by side. The installation is FREE and is open on 1 October from 12:00-15:00 and from 18:00-20:00. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, there will be a limited audience. Sign up for our Facebook event for more info HERE.
We will also present MASS in The Nordic House in the Faroe Islands from 20 – 22 October MORE INFO
June – July 2020
We have just finished our online live installation of as I collapse, which was presented both online during CPH Stages Virtual International Days and as an open installation for regular audiences. It was very interesting to work with a new format and a new way of developing a performance piece. It is available for nationally and international tours. For more info, contact producer Carlos Calvo at carlos@recoil-performance.org.
The Recoil performance group is on summer holiday in the month of July and will return in August with a new season, during which it will re-premiere Extended Falls to Humanity in the municipality of Skive.
April – May 2020
Due to covid-19, CPH Stage has unfortunately been cancelled. We were supposed to have presented our installation as I collapse on stage during the festival, but due to the circumstances, and because we want to explore new performance formats, we have decided to re-create the piece into an online live installation piece, consisting of multiple layers online, and even a physical layer, where you will encounter the being that inspired the performance; the luminescent microscopic algae Pyrocystis Fusiformis.
For more information on our new online live installation click HERE
For tickets click HERE
March 2020
We have just been accepted to the danish science and nature festival BLOOM with MASS – BLOOM EXPLORATIONS, that will take place at Søndermarken in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen.
We are very happy to be part of this interesting festival, that are presenting recognised key note speakers, together with artists and musicians in the beautiful sourrundings of the park Søndermarken.
We are visiting the Nordic House at the Faroes Islands and presenting our piece MASS – BLOOMS EXPLORATIONS. From the 9th until the 13th of March our performers Micela Kühn Jara and Emile Gregersen will host workshops for kids, involving the meal worms, that are a central part of the performance.
Due to the Corona Virus, the performance on March 13th – 15th WAS CANCELLED!
Simultaneously we’re preparing the presentation of EXTENDED FALLS TO HUMANITY which is to be presented in the commune of Skive in Jutland, May 1st and 2nd. The preparation is involving a lot of research, and we are conducting several interviews and visits to the commune and city.
January and February 2020
In the beginning of the new year we have been working on our re-premeire of the performance EXTENDED FALLS TO HUMANITY – A choreographic installation with the citizen at it’s center-
The performance revolves around trust and democracy on a local level. We have performed the pieces in several municipalities, and each time we visit a new municipality we are tailoring the piece to the specific municipality.
Therefor a lot of the preparation in connections with the performance, consists of research of the municipality. In collaboration with local politicians we have selected and interview relevant institutions, groups and individuals in the municipality
In May we will perform the piece in Skive (DK), from May 1sth – 2nd at the local city hall.
We have produced a short documentary about the process of making the performance HERE.
October and November 2019
In October our artistic director Tina Tarpgaard is working on a new production for the Danish company CORPUS; DOGMA#2 – On the other Hand. Inspired by Dogme95, created by prominent Danish filmmakers, Corpus has created its own set of 16 dogmas. These form the framework for Corpus Dogma.
We are looking forward to seeing the final piece when it premieres on October 19th at A-salen, at The Royal Theatre (DK).
In November we will be working on a new, more tour-friendly version of the first part of THE MEMBRANE PROJECT; as I collapse.
We will develop the piece in France, where we’ll also premiere the new version at the Ou\/ert Festival in Bourges (FR). Read more and get your ticket HERE:
After finishing up as I collapse, we will return touring with MASS – BLOOM EXPLORATIONS, so keep an eye on our calendar for touring dates HERE.
We are toruing with MASS – BLOOM EXPLORATIONS in Videbæk during Teater OMs UR-NAT festival in august and in Finland at Kiasma Theatre september 3-8 and ending with performances at Platforma in Lithuania september 13-15.
Meanwhile our artistic director Tina Tarpgaard is working on a new piece for the danish company CORPUS
We are taking some time off and are going on holiday, but before we do so properly, we’ll be touring STEREO in Peru in connection with the Festival Danza Nueva at Teatro Miraflores in Lima.
And we’ll also tour with MASS – BLOOM EXPLORATIONS at Welcome to the Village in the Netherlands
Check out our calendar for more info here.
May 2019
recoil is performing the civic-engaging, choreographic installationEXTENDED FALLS TO HUMANITY at the CLICK Festival on Mau 19th at Elsinore Town Hall and during CPH Stage May 28th – 29th at Copenhagen Town Hall. The installation is FREE but it’s a good idea to book a ticket for the performance in Copenhagen. Get FREE tickets here.
We’re also presenting MASS – Bloom Exploration during the Scenekonstbienalen i Sverige May 14th – 16th April.
Check our calender for more info here.
This month we are also launching our brand new website, desgined by Søren Meisner!
April 2019
recoil is premiering the civic-engaging, choreographic installation EXTENDED FALLS TO HUMANITY at the Town Hall of the municipality of Ringkøbing-Skjern Rådhus in Jutland, April 1st – 3rd
February 2019
We continue to work with the performance EXTENDED FALLS TO HUMANITY . The performance will premierw in just two months at the town hall in the municipality of Ringkøbing-Skjern in Jutland, and a lot of our current work, is about researching the town and what it’s like to live there. We visit a range of institutions in Ringkøbing-Skjern and talk to local politicians to learn more.
In January and February we have a new intern, Marlene Ickert, working on documenting our performance, through video and interviews. We have already talked with politicians in different municipalities and planning more meetings. We have also carried out a lot of test performances to test out our technology and dramaturgy. We have visited Gerlev Idrætsefterskole and Gasværksvejens skole, and are planning to have more tests with our audience.
Visit our Instagram account for pictures from our visits and workshops.
Keep an eye on our website for more information on Extended Falls of Humanity and join us in
Ringkøbing-Skjern 1-3 April
Elsinore 18-19 May
Copenhagen 28– 27 May
Touring MASS
We have also planned several dates in the summer and fall for the tour of the second part of The Membrane Project: MASS – Bloom Explorations
14-16 May. Scenkonstbiennale. Sundsvall /Härnösand, Sweden
19-21 July. Welcome to the Village Festival. Netherlands
12-20 August. Ringkøbing, exact dates TBA
3-8 September. Kiasma theatre, Helsinki.
12-17 September. Plartforma Festival. Lithuania
January 2019
In the fall of 2018, we began working on a brandnew performance: Extended Falls to Humanity – a choreographic piece that takes place at a number of town halls, placing the city, the municipality and it’s citizens at the centre of the performance. The performances tells the story about the things that divide us into separate boxes, and the things that join us together as people. We will continue working on the piece in the spring of 2019 and researching the municipality of Ringkøbing Skjern in Jutland, where we will premiere the piece in April. Later, in May, we will present the work at the Click Festival in Elsinore and the Copenhagen Stage Festival.
Extended Falls to Humanity is the concluding part of our trilogy THE MEMBRANCE PROJECT – a series of works dedicated to the human as well as the non-human body in choreography, bringing to the forefront our sensitivity towards each other and other beings that share our surroundings.
In the fall of 2018 we also took part in Ice Hot, where we had the pleasure of being part of the MoreMoreMore presentations with MASS – bloom explorations, and we visited Tanzmesse in Düsseldorf, Cinars in Montreal and Teaterseminar in Kolding.
May 2019
We started May with exciting activities and great news; the premiere of MASS bloom explorations, and a Reumert nomination for best danish dance performance of the year for X-Mmythologies, our co-production with Black Box Dance Company. Turning back to MASS – bloom explorations; we are very pleased that the installation got so well received by both the reviewers and other visitors. Monna Dithmer from the danish newspaper Politiken wrote “Incredible, how much there is at stake in the minimalistic simple installation, coolly handled by Tina Tarpgaard, who, as one of the few performing artists in Denmark, has started working with bio art.” MASS – blooom explorations can still be experienced twice more in Denamark in May and June season. More info on dates, time and venues on the MASS page. As for the Reumert nomination, we are very proud and happy, and looking much forward to the ceremony on June 9th.
April 2018
We ended March with the first public presentation of MASS – bloom explorations in Canada, at Ottawa Dance Directive. Now we are super excited for the upcomming danish premiere at May 1st in Galleri Overgaden in Copenhagen. More info on our MASS page. Remember to check out the video teaser. It is also still possible to catch the X-Mythologies performance on tour. Check the page, for venues, dates and times.
February 2018
We are very happy that our upcomming production MASS – bloom explorations is going to be a part of CPH stage, a festival in Copenhagen for theatre and performing arts. We will present the work in collaboration with Space 10, at Flæsketorvet in Vesterbro from May 31st til June 3rd 2018. More info will follow on http://www.cphstage.dk/program/
January 2018
January is half way through, and we are full on with activities. STEREO our acclaimed performance with 3D scenography and X-Mythologies our co-production with Black Box Dance Company are both touring DK at the moment. Info on dates and venues on their production pages. In Canada, Tina has begun working on our next performance MASS-Bloom explorations, a durational piece and an installation, and second part of The Membrane Project. It opens at Ottawa Dance Directive (ODD) in March, before the Danish opening in Copenhagen 1st of May at Galleri Overgaden.
November 2017
Our co-production with Black Box Dance Company X-mythologies is premiering in Copenhagen on November 30th. More info and tickets on our X-Mythologies page.
October 2017
recoil has been artistic partner in the creation of the event CATASTROPHIC MEAL: THE STORY OF THE MEAL – AFTER I COLLAPSE. It is taking place on November 1st and 2nd at the venue No Space in Aarhus, as a part of Aarhus 2017. Join in, and get a tast of a potential future meal. More info & tickets at
September 2017
STEREO from 2016 is going on tour in Denmark, and Germany starting at Teater V in Valby on the 20th of September. We are looking forward to share this 3D piece with new audiences. For more info on dates and venues check out our STEREO page.
May 2017
At this years Click festival Tina Tarpgaard has been the creative mentor for the visual music group Silicium, who presents their third production on May 20th. More info at http://www.clickfestival.dk/silicium
April 2017
TØRST from 2013 went on tour again. This time to various schools in the Faroe Islands.
March 2017
As I collapse, our latest performance premiered in Dansehallerne, Copenhagen, March 22nd, and toured afterwards to Ringkøbing, Aarhus and Odense.
“Her (Tina Tarpgaard red.)luminescent algae dance is marvelous” – Anne Middelboe Christensen, Information,March 31st 2017
November 2016
Lille Prinsen, a family dance performance re-premiered in Härnösand (SE) this sunday. Now on tour in Sweden before it lands in Cph for the ICE
HOT festival. http://en.norrdans.se/evenemang/lille-prinsen/
Oktober 2016
TØRST from 2013 continues to tour in Denmark. Last week our team of dancers went to Aabenraa to perform and teach the students at 5 different schools.
September 2016
The artistic team behind our new production “as I collapse” part of the residency program Ars Bioarctica 2016
August 2016
STEREO on tour to 2016 Digital Art Platform Taipei, Taiwan
June 2016
Wonderful new video from Dans For Børn on line. The film is from a visit at Hvidebæk Skolen with our performance TØRST: https://vimeo.com/168741420
We look forward to more visit with Dans For Børn next season.
May/June 2016
The intense duet STEREO meet a great audience at both Click Festival in Elsinore and at the CPH stage Festival in Copenhagen. We are grateful for full houses at the wonderful stage Takkelloftet at the Royal Opera in Copenhagen. A frist review: http://www.teater1.dk/stereo/
13th March
ON/VOLT on danish tour – first stop Kulturværftet in Helsingør: http://kuto.dk/kalender/2016/marts/on-volt
November 2015
Monday november 9th – LIVE research initiated at Laboratorie scenen, Dansehallerne. Two intensive weeks dealing with decentring the performer and microbes!!!!
Oktober 2015
PREMIERE night for LILLE PRINSEN a performance for the whole family by choreographer Tina Tarpgaard, composer Daniel Nelson, conductor David Björkman. The performance is created for Norrdans and Nordiska Kammarorkestern.
April 2015
In her new performance TUMULT (April 11th – 24th) choreographer Tina Tarpgaard focuses on what happens between the dancers – not the dancers in themselves. She is inspired by large demonstrations like the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street – absorbed by what happens when bodies gather in tumultuous crowds.
February 2015
Choreographer Tina Tarpgaard has created her first performance for teenagers. I MY MINI ME premiers on February 28th at Aaben Dans in Roskilde. http://www.abendans.dk/i-my-mini-me.php
August 2014
ON/VOLT video now on line here. On september 25th ON/VOLT is restaged on Dansehallerne before a tour to Sweden. In the mean time we are preparing for our tour to Jordan where we will perform TØRST in the beautiful desert Wadi Rum. Cannot wait to see this magnificent place again and so excited to combine it with our own desert performance.
June 2014
ON/VOLT is nominated in the category Best Dance Performance of the year at the REUMERTawards. Looking forward to celebrate our passion for the performing arts with our colleges from all over Denmark, Sunday 22nd june.
May 2014
STEREO showing at Click festival 2014. Come see the result of our resent research in performance and 3D graphics. STEREO is a work in progress that will be finalized and premiered in NY at 3LD studios in 2016. We will keep you posted here on our website and our facebook
March/April 2014
Our award winning performance LIVING ROOM is ready for our national tour. Check the dates and venues below. About the performance reveiwes wrote:
“An emotional knockout of rare magic.”
Monna Dithmer, Politiken, March 17th, 2012
“…beyond the edge of physical and dance technical skill…. Beyond all expectation. It is tremendous”
Majbrit Hjelmsbo, Weekendavisen, March 16th, 2012
Dates and venues.
D. 18/3: Randers Egnsteater
D. 20/3: Vejle Teaterforening
D. 22/3: Helsingør (Kulturværftet)
D. 24-28/3: Århus (Bora Bora)
D. 1-5/4: Ålborg (Nordkraft)
D. 7/4: Holstebro (Musikteateret)
D. 9-10/4: Odense (Momentum)
D. 14/4: Ballerup (Baltoppen)
D. 15/4: Næstved (Grønnegades Kaserne Kulturcenter)
February 2014
Last rehearsals for the upcoming premiere with ON/VOLT. March 1st Dansehallerne, Copenhagen.
January 2014
Residency at 3LD in NYC. We are developing our project called STEREO. Dance and Stereoscopic scenography.
November 2013
Rehearsals start in Dansehallerne for our new Production ON/VOLT.
SInce august choreographer TIna Tarpgaard has worked with light artist Sophie Guyot on creating light sculptures for ON/VOLT. See more about Sophie Guyots work here
May 2013
LIVING ROOM on the french internet TV channel Numeri Danse
Click here to visit numeridanse.tv
Preparing our LIVING ROOM Denmark-tour March/April 2014
Four stars out of six in danish newspaper Berlingske
…and it ends TWICE in Dansehallerne, Copenhagen http://www.dansehallerne.dk/and-it-ends-twice-eng.html
February 2013
Final rehersals for …and it ends TWICE – premiere March 2nd 2013 in Dansehallerne, Copenhagen
Getting ready for iceHOT with LIVING ROOM
The performance is at Stoa Theatre Hall in Helsinki on Thursday 13th at 7 pm.
November 18th 2012
LIVING ROOM at Tanzfestival Tempel in Karlsruhe at ZKM (Zentrum für kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe)
November 2nd and 3rd 2012
Our Award winning performance LIVING ROOM presented at Dansehallerne in Copenhagen
August 2012
FROST at Tanzmesse NRW in Düsseldorf on Grösser Bühne at Tanzhaus NRW.
June 2012
Our most resent creation DEW was presentet at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen in May and June. We will be uploading videos from this soon here on our website.
May 2012
Our performance LIVING ROOM was decorated with the prize for BEST DANCE PERFORMANCE at the danish performing arts awards in 2012. Congratulations to the whole team!!!!
May 2012
Brazil Tour, Click festival and nomination for Danish Performing Arts Award to LIVING ROOM
On April 29th 2012, the Danish Performing Arts Awards (Reumert Award) is celebrating our wonderful art form by awarding prizes for the artist on stage. Recoil will be there with a nomination for Best Dance Performance of the Year to our new production LIVING ROOM
On April 23 our performance Body Navigation is travelling to Brazil. We will be performing 4 shows at the INTERARTE festival in Rio De Janeiro on april 26th till 29th. Returning home the performance will also visit Click Festival at The Culture Yard in Elsingor – an exciting festival also featuring Murkof – performance in Elsingor on May 3rd.
March 2012
LVING ROOM premier in Copenhagen
January 2012
recoil starts 2012 with a tour to Marokko. We will be performing a duet from our performance Malpais at the National Theatre in Rabat on January 28th. This in connection with the choreographic competition MAKE YOUR MOVE. See more about the competition here:
September 2011
Tina Tarpgaard has been chosen as a Module Dance Artist. A project launched by EDN (European Dancehouse Network) See more information about the EDN and Module Dance here:
September 2011
recoil has the pleasure of visiting Kino Siska, Center for Urban Culture in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We are invited for a week long research for our new production LIVING-ROOM. Showing at Kino Siska on friday september 9th, Trg Prekomorskih brigad 3, 1000 Ljubljana.
August 2011
As part of the Module Dance Network, recoil is invited for a two week residency at Tanzhaus NRW in Düsseldorf, Germany. We will be working intensively creating movement and scenographic ideas for our new creation LIVING-ROOM. Showing at Tanzhaus NRW on friday August 19th in studio 6, Tanzhaus NRW, Erkrather Str. 30.
June 2011
In connection with the FIM-Festival Internacional Multimédia, Tina Tarpgaard will present the lecture demonstration “Body and Code”. The presentation will take place at The ISMAI – Instituto Superior da Maia, Portugal on june 3rd.
May 2011
Body Navigation on tour to the Mapping festival, Geneve, Switzerland. The perfomance is on maj 27th at 8.00 pm. The venue is Palladium (3 bis, Rue du Stand, Geneve).
May 2011
Tina Tarpgaard and Jonas Jongejan is starting the research for Malpais Jordan on May 9th. There will be two workshops in Amman (on may 7th and may 12th)
If you are in Amman don’t miss the chance to see FROST, our award winning performance from 2009. It will open the annual Amman dance festival at the Al Hussein Theater at 8pm. If you would like to get a better knowledge of the work of recoil performance group you can attend the Lecture Demonstration by Tina Tarpgaard before the performance. It is at 6pm at the small stage in Al Hussein Theatre.
March 2011
Malpais premier at Dansehallerne in Copenhagen. The performance is on till April 8th, 2011.
December 2010
Fuck You Buddy performing at the ICE HOT – nordic dance platform, in Stockholm. The performance is on at 9 pm at Dansenshus, Barnhusgatan 14
111 24 Stockholm.
November 2010
FROST our award winning performance created for Danish Dance Theatre was re-staged at DanseHallerne in Copenhagen, November 6th till 13th 2010.
October, 2010
“Fuck You Buddy” and “Body Navigation” at the Intercity Festival in Florence, Italy
June 22nd, 2010
“Body Navigation” at the Hat Factory in Luton, England
After show talk “Code and Body”, Hat Factory
May 2010
Our performance FROST, that was created for Danish Dance Theatre wins the Danish performing Arts Award for “Best Dance Performance of the Year”
May 2010
Video artist Ole Kristensen and choreographer Tina Tarpgaard are commissioned by
DanceDigital in Essex, England to do site specific work at the old Hat Factory in Luton, England.
The performance will take place on June 16-17 and 19th, 2010
May 17th. Beginning of project, “Hats, Planes and Trains” at the old Hat Factory in Luton, England in cooperation with DanceDigital from Essex in England.
We will be working with 3 dancers on this production. The material for this piece will be choreographed in and around this old building.
Performance: June 17, 18 & 19, 2010
Past Activities
On November 27 and December 16th 2009 recoil invite to open rehearsal
Note: the date of the last showing has been changed to the 16th of December, due to a christmas party in the building.
Well on our way in the process of creating software and choreography for our next project: Fuck You Buddy, in the locations of the laboratory stage in DanseHallerne that we have been so fortunate to have at our disposal over the past week.
We are therefore very happy to be able to invite interested people to follow the creative process at it’s very beginning.
So come join us at our end of week showing and have a drink and a talk with us afterwards.
We are very interested in the dialogue with colleges from all parts of the performing arts scene… and any one else who might be interested.
The showing takes place
Friday 27th
in Dansescenens Laboratorie scene.
We meet at Dansescenens foyer at 5pm.
(Pasteursvej 18, 1778 Copenhagen V)
The showing will take app. 30 min. So there is plenty of time for us to talk and discuss and share afterwards.